So what exactly are hunter eyes and how do you get them?
As the name suggests, hunter eyes get their predatory reputation from channeling the focused lethality of an apex hunter on the prowl for its next mark.
They speak to our primal instincts, radiating power and severity through prominent bone structure.
In this post, we will share everything there is to know about hunter eyes and a protocol for how to get hunter eyes for yourself.
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Key Takeaways:
Hunter eyes are defined by deep-set, angular orbits, subtle skin folding over the eyes, chiseled support around the brows, and a penetrating downward tilt at the outer corners.
Exercises like mewing, eyebrow raises, cheek lifts, eyelid pulls, and jaw exercises can help to achieve hunter eyes over a longer period of time.
What Are Hunter Eyes?

So what exactly constitutes hunter eyes, and what makes them stand out?
Hunter eyes get their name from bearing a resemblance to the focused, intense gaze of a hunter or predator animal searching for its prey.
On the flip side, some refer to non-hunter eyes as prey eyes since they are rounder and more open, like a deer or rabbit.
Let’s take a look at the physiology behind hunter eyes.
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Deep-Set, Compact Orbital Bones

The signature intensity of hunter eyes derives from the eye sockets themselves.
Their orbital bones are uniquely squared-off and compact in shape, deeper set into the skull.
This structural design casts natural shadows, reducing how much surrounding skin and tissue shows. Emphasis zeros in solely on the dark, colorful irises, which seem nearer and more honed.
The impact intensifies when blinking or moving the eyes, as more socket remains concealed.
This adaption for concealment harkens back to early hunters requiring camouflage and tactical visual advantages to pinpoint prey undetected.
Thin Fold of Skin Over the Eyes

A key characteristic adding the illusion of depth and intrigue to the hunter-eye aesthetic is the subtle fold of skin gently draping over the upper eyelid border.
The partial hooding adding depth to hunter eyes stems from a supple yet restrictive fold of skin subtly draping over the top quarter of the actual eyeball.
With hunter eyes, this paper-thin overlapping eyelid film veils the rounded peaks where cornea meets sclera.
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Angular Facial Structure

The ideal hunter eye showcase occurs framed by angular facial symmetry meticulously highlighting the eyes as main events without overpowering.
Smooth, symmetrical contours help focus attention inward towards the eyes potently.
Positive Canthal Tilt
Hunter’s eyes have a very subtle downward slope at the outer corners rather than tilting upwards.
These innate characteristics naturally make the eyes sharper and more dynamic.
It’s this piercing look — of a steely-eyed apex hunter on the prowl.
Hunter Eyes Exercises

While bone structure largely determines eye shape, targeted facial exercises like zygo pulling can encourage circulation and muscle activation to nurture your genetic potential.
Here are some effective techniques.
Eyebrow Raise
- Raise your eyebrows skywards stretching skin as high as comfortable
- Hold 5 seconds
- Relax eyebrows back to resting position
Repeat for 5-10 reps, 2 sets daily. Reduces forehead wrinkling while toning the orbicularis muscle surrounding eyes.
Cheek Lift
- Smile widely to engage cheeks
- Place fingers on top of cheekbones
- Attempt to lift cheeks towards eyelids against finger tension
- Hold 5 seconds
Repeating cheek contractions trains the orbicularis oculi responsible for eye closure, potentially enhancing upper eyelid mobility.
Eye Squeeze
- Open eyes normally
- Tightly shut eyelids squeezing orbital muscles
- Hold 5 seconds
- Release back to open position
The eye squeeze fires fast twitch muscle fibers around the ocular region not accessed during blinking.
Eyelid Pulls (Use with Caution)
- Gently pinch upper and lower eyelid skin
- Carefully pull outwards
- Hold 5 seconds
- Repeat
Some claim that regularly pulling reinforces eyelid collagen for increased elasticity, though the evidence is lacking.
While evidence proving efficacy remains sparse, consistently exercising eye region muscles may gradually strengthen tissues for sharper shaping over time.
How to Get Hunter Eyes

Genetics plays a major role in achieving true hunter eyes.
But luckily, there are some things you can do to enhance your natural eye area.
Here’s everything we know and how you can get started.
Mewing works by utilizing the tongue to provide light upward pressure against the maxilla bone while swallowing and at rest.
Over many years, advocates speculate this constant force gradually remodels the facial scaffolding underneath towards more upward and forward growth.
In theory, a broader maxilla and higher cheekbones translate to augmented structural support surrounding the eyes. This can serve aesthetically, lessening dark circles and eye bags, which otherwise result from depleted bone density as we age.
Physically, puffy, tired eyes get lifted for enhanced visualization.
Additionally, mewing’s purported bone adaptations allow slight outgrowth, which, over time, may enable subtle hooded folding of the eyelid skin for those genetically predisposed.
Yet skepticism persists on mewing’s effectiveness.
Without robust clinical trials, changes for adults remain difficult to attribute solely to tongue posture. The results expected vary based on age, genetics, and facial malleability.
Hardened Chewing Gum
Chewing gum may sound unrelated to developing hunter eyes. But consistently working the jaw and facial muscles by chewing a hardened gum, like JOCKO, helps shape the lower facial structures.
- Get a stronger, squarer jawline
- 15X harder than other gums
- Compliments mewing workout
Mastic gum is a firmer resin-based gum originating from the Mediterranean. It differs by requiring actual chewing force rather than passive gnawing motions.
The added muscle activation recruits more cheekbone fibers and builds mass within the masseter muscles along the jaw responsible for chewing force and bite clenching.
Over-time, a visibly more chiseled and defined lower face emerges. The angular look helps accentuate hunter eyes by bordering the gaze with taut muscular geometry.
For best results:
- Choose a natural mastic gum with no sweeteners
- Chew for at least 20-30 minutes daily
- Focus chewing muscles closer to the molars
- Maintain proper tongue posture while chewing
Be patient observing small transformed lines eventually cementing moving throughout the lower face.
Jaw Exercisers
Jaw exercisers take the concept of chewing gum for jawline definition even further through added resistance.
- #1 facial fitness device
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- Improve jaw muscles and facial shape
These durable devices often made from food-grade silicone fit discreetly inside the mouth. Users bite down and sustain tension using jaw muscles to hold the open position.
The constant isometric contraction intensely engages all lower facial muscle groups including the masseters, temporalis and internal pterygoids.
Over time, regularly utilizing a jaw exerciser for multiple 5-10 minute sessions sculpts noticeable masseter muscle hypertrophy.
This bulking mirrors results from consistently chewing heavy gum but expedited even faster.
The amplified angular lower structure better spotlights hunter eyes, framing the piercing gaze.
Related: Joe Rogan Jaw Exercise: Recommendation & Rationale
Orbital Bone Massages

While small fragile bones form the posterior orbit structure behind the actual eyeball, more substantial thicker craniofacial bones surround the exterior eye sockets.
Gently massaging these exterior orbital bones aims to boost blood circulation within the tissue. Proponents claim this feeds oxygen and nutrients to eye-adjacent structures.
Additionally, manual stimulation proponents suggest consistently manipulating facial tissues near bone may spur fractional regeneration in some cells.
This possibly explains anecdotal reports of subtle enhanced definition along the eye sockets and cheekbones in some individuals after months of daily massage.
Eyelid Surgery
If you have excessive upper eyelid exposure obstructing your vision, which cannot be fixed with makeup, visit a qualified oculofacial plastic surgeon to discuss surgical solutions like blepharoplasty explicitly designed to address such issues.
More invasive surgical procedures should only be considered for legitimate medical reasons and when advised by an expert based on your anatomy.
For those willing to undergo cosmetic procedures, there are some options for further enhancing the hunter eye appearance.
Almond eye surgery reduces upper eyelid exposure, which contributes to the hooded hunter eye aesthetic.
Brow ridge filler is an injectable filler in the brow ridge region that can potentially create a more prominent brow bone structure, shadowing the eyes.
How Long Does It Take To Get Hunter Eyes?

When using natural methods to enhance your eyes towards a hunter look, development requires great patience over extended timespans.
Facial changes partially stem from bone and muscle adaptation – extremely gradual biological processes. And eye-related genetic traits limit overall modification potential regardless of effort.
Mewing tongue posture – Minimum 5+ years for potential fractional bone density improvements possibly translating to subtle midface projection gains.
Chewing mastic gum – 6+ months of daily chewing to build noticeable masseter size boosting lower facial definition.
Facial yoga – 1-2+ years for hypothetical minor tissue enhancements but lacks scientific backing.
Makeup – Instantly fakes temporary hunter dimensions with the right shading techniques.
In reality, maxing out your genetic arrow towards naturally accentuated hunter appeal could take 5+ years concentrating on eyes daily.
And surgical interventions still only provide assistance within inborn restrictions.
The marathon-like duration underscores why managing expectations remains key.
But small boosts incrementally compiling over months and years may add up to increasingly defined eyes in the long run.
Hunter Eyes Genetics
It’s important to have realistic expectations when trying to enhance your eyes’ appearance.
The characteristic hooded folding of the eyelids largely comes down to genetic traits unique to each person.
The particular shape of your orbital bones, as well as eyelid skin elasticity, play a significant role.
Those blessed with genetics prone to hunter eyes will have an easier time achieving the look than others.
While few extreme methods claim to change the eyes’ bone structure radically, most are unproven, unrealistic, and come with risks.
With that said, small consistent efforts like mewing and facial exercises demonstrating patience over long periods can help you maximize your natural gifts.
How can I determine if I have hunter eyes?
Hunter eyes are distinguished by deep-set square-shaped orbital bones, a thin overlapping eyelid skin fold, prominent brow ridge, positive canthal tilt, and a chiseled angular facial bone structure.
Are genetics more important or environmental factors?
Genetics dictate core eye anatomy, while environment/lifestyle choices influence soft tissue health around the eyes. Genetics overwhelmingly determine hunter eye potential.
At what age do hunter eyes develop?
Hunter eye traits from prominent orbital bones to increased eye hoodedness emerge in early adulthood during puberty when growth hormones and sex hormones peak.
Does mewing really work to get hunter eyes?
While controversial, some claim years of consistent mewing may provide minor midface projection gains, enhancing eye support. But effectiveness is unproven, and results are subtle, if any.
Can makeup give me real hunter eyes permanently?
No, makeup offers only reversible, temporary illusions of hunter eyes through shading and contouring tricks. It does not alter anatomy.
Do supplements help develop hunter eyes?
No supplements will inherently transform your eye shape. Some assist beneficial facial soft tissue support which plays a secondary role. Manage expectations.
What results can I expect from surgery to get hunter eyes?
Consult experienced surgeons but realize all procedures merely enhance or simulate certain hunter eye area properties without rewriting DNA limitations. Analyze the benefit-risk ratio carefully.