A key component to extending your quality of life is been improving your posture.
If left untreated, this can cause some concerning health issues.
In this post, we will share a posture workout for longevity, recommendations, and actionable advice.
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Digital posture corrector: The Backpod
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Lightweight dumbells: Workout Dumbbell
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Posture Transformation for Longevity
Some longevity experts, like Bryan Johnson, discovered he had internal jugular vein stenosis, a restriction in the pipes that carry blood flow from his brain, due to bad posture.
This was potentially contributing to headaches, brain fog, and increased risk for neurological disorders.
Working with posture specialist Kjetil Larsen, Johnson dedicated himself to improving his posture over 6-9 months.
The results were transformative, alleviating his symptoms and stenosis without needing surgery.
Posture Workout for Longevity
There are 5 key habits you can use to fix your posture for good.
1. Lengthen Your Spine with Visualization
Imagine there is a string attached to the crown of your head, pulling your spine straight up towards the ceiling. Focus on lengthening through the back of your neck and keeping your chin tucked slightly.
At the same time, pull your shoulders down and back, keeping your chest open. Keep your pelvis neutral (not tilted forward or back). Distribute your weight evenly between both feet.
Check your alignment in a mirror from the side. Your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should line up vertically. Make adjustments until your body is in one straight line.
Practice this visualization and alignment regularly throughout the day, whether sitting or standing. Over time, it will start to feel natural and habitual.
2. Practice Proper Phone Ergonomics
Looking down at phones and devices is a major contributor to poor posture. It puts excessive strain on the cervical spine and can lead to “text neck.”
Instead of collapsing your head forward and down, practice holding your phone up in front of your face. Keep your head aligned over your shoulders and spine straight.
If you tend to use your phone for longer periods, consider investing in a holder that elevates your device to eye level. This allows you to maintain good posture while using your phone hands-free.
Becoming more mindful of your phone and device use can go a long way in reducing postural strain in your neck and back. Take frequent breaks and realign yourself regularly.
3. Take Movement Breaks Every 5 Minutes
Sitting or staying in one position for prolonged periods allows poor posture to set in.
Make it a habit to move your body at least every 5-10 minutes throughout the day.
Some movements to try:
- Roll your shoulders backwards
- Stand up and reach your arms overhead
- Do a few gentle spinal twists in your chair
- Lean your head from side to side slowly
- Take a short walk or do some lunges
- Perform a few standing backbends
The key is to gently mobilize your spine and counteract any stiffness or slumping that has occurred.
Frequent movement breaks also boost circulation, energy levels and focus.
4. Perform Targeted Postural Exercises
Certain exercises and training tools can help strengthen the deep postural muscles of the neck and back. Perform these daily for best results:
Shoulder Shrugs: Stand tall with arms at your sides. Slowly raise your shoulders up towards your ears, then release them back down. Repeat 10-15 times.
Neck Flexion: Either sitting or standing, keep your head upright and facing forward. Tuck your chin slightly and gently push the back of your head into your hands (use light pressure). Hold for 5-10 seconds, focusing on lengthening your neck. Release and repeat 5-10 times.
Chin Tucks: Sit or stand with your spine straight. Tuck your chin down towards your chest without rounding your upper back. You should feel a stretch at the base of your neck. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release back to neutral. Repeat 10 times.
Levator Scapulae Stretch: Cross your right arm in front of your body and grab onto the left side of your head. Gently pull your head down towards your right shoulder until you feel a stretch in the left side of your neck. Hold 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Shrugging your shoulders while holding weights works the levator scapulae muscles.
Many trainers recommend using lighter weights (8-10 lbs) for most people.
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Also, you should use a mirror to check your standing alignment from the side.
5. Use Minimal Effort
Many people use excessive tension and clenching to try to force themselves into good posture. But this often backfires, leading to more strain and discomfort.
Instead, aim to maintain your postural alignment with the least amount of effort.
Keep your muscles engaged but not overly tense. Check in with your body often and release any unnecessarily tight areas.
You may find it helpful to scan your body from head to toe, noticing and relaxing any points of holding. Common areas of clenching include the jaw, shoulders, abdominals, and glutes.
Practice deep, slow breathing from your diaphragm. On each exhale, focus on softening and releasing tension.
Imagine your spine floating upwards on the inhale and sinking gently down on the exhale.
With a foundation of proper alignment and minimal effort, your deep postural stabilizer muscles will start to kick in more. Soon good posture will become effortless and automatic.
Remember that consistency is key when improving your posture. A daily practice of mindful alignment, movement, and releasing tension will pay off in how you look and feel.
Fixing posture takes time and patience. The benefits to physical health, mental wellbeing, and self-confidence are well worth the effort.
Posture and Longevity Science
When it comes to maintaining a healthy brain, posture plays a bigger role than you might think. A growing body of research suggests that the alignment of your head, neck, and shoulders can have a significant impact on the drainage of blood from your brain.
It all has to do with the jugular veins, which are responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from the brain back to the heart. When these veins become compressed or constricted, it can lead to a host of problems.
Posture specialist Kahite Larson has seen this play out in his own practice. He’s found that patients with low jugular vein blood flow rates (under 700-1200 ml/min) tend to suffer from migraines, fatigue, vertigo, and other unpleasant symptoms much more often.
So what’s the solution? According to Larson, it all starts with proper alignment. Many of us have a tendency to hinge our heads backward, which only worsens misalignment and constricts the jugular veins.
Instead, we should focus on lengthening through the neck without tensing up. Targeted exercises for the deep cervical flexors, suboccipital muscles, and levator scapulae can help train the body to maintain this ideal posture with minimal effort.
The key is to keep a long neck position during these exercises. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but with practice, it will become second nature – and your brain will thank you!
Of course, improving your posture takes time and consistency. The payoff is well worth it. Not only will you look and feel better, but you’ll also be taking a big step towards protecting your brain health for years to come.
Never Too Late to Fix Your Posture
If you’re reading this and thinking, “I’m too old to change my posture,” think again! While it’s true that our postural habits start forming early in life, it’s never too late to make a change for the better.
With consistent practice and the right guidance, you can transform your alignment and reap the benefits.
Whether you’re in your 30s, 50s, or even your 70s, you can still see significant improvements in your posture with a little bit of effort and dedication.
And the payoff is huge.
Even a small change in your alignment can have a big impact on your overall health and wellbeing.
When you lengthen your spine and open up your chest, you’re decompressing the delicate structures in your cervical spine and allowing for better breathing and circulation.
The important thing is to start somewhere. Whether it’s setting a reminder to sit up straight every hour, or dedicating ten minutes a day to posture-enhancing exercises, every little bit counts.
Premium Treatment for Neck, Upper Back, and Headache Pain from Hunching over Smartphones and Computers
So don’t let your age hold you back.
Embrace the journey towards better posture, and get ready to stand taller, feel healthier, and radiate confidence at any stage of life.
Your future self will thank you!